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Quod Products
Algorithmic TradingReduce your trading impact and achieve the best outcomes with our real-time, data-driven, algos
Execution Management Systems (EMS)Automate your trading and retain your unique trading style with our fully integrated and configurable EMS
Adaptive Market Making (MM) TechnologyAccess an open platform for core price construction, auto-hedging, automation, distribution, and trading with our comprehensive solution for OTC and listed market making
Order Management System (OMS)Reduce your costs and improve automation from trade to settlement with our fully integrated, front and middle office, data and trading solution
Smart Order Routing (SOR)Manage and seek liquidity in every market with 470+ configurable parameters and successfully execute your chosen strategy
TCA and Best Execution ReportingIncrease the quality of your real-time trading and execution and improve performance on an order-by-order basis